среда16 октября 2024

Трамп выступил на сцене, танцуя, после того как его встреча с избирателями прервалась из-за обморока двух присутствующих.

Кандидат в президенты США Дональд Трамп не смог закончить свою встречу с избирателями в Филадельфии из-за того, что двое участников потеряли сознание от удушья. В ответ на это Трамп предложил включить музыку и начал танцевать.
Трамп выступил на сцене, танцуя, после того как его встреча с избирателями прервалась из-за обморока двух присутствующих.
Дональд Трамп во время встречи с избирателями, 14 октября 2024 года

This is reported by Associated Press and Newsweek.

The venue where the event took place was hot and the air conditioning was not functioning. As a result, the Q&A session was interrupted by one person's fainting. While medical assistance was provided, Trump requested that Ave Maria be played.

“We have incredible people. They come here hours in advance, and it’s a bit hot for them,” he stated.

Eventually, another attendee also lost consciousness, and during the break while he was being revived, the presidential candidate asked for the same song to be played, this time performed by the Italian opera singer Luciano Pavarotti.

Ultimately, Trump suggested that the audience remain seated and listen to musical pieces instead of his answers to questions.

As a result, for the next 40 minutes, songs such as Nothing Compares 2 U, a cover of Hallelujah, and November Rain played, during which Trump danced.

In the end, he left the stage to the sounds of the song Memory from the musical Cats. Trump’s campaign press secretary, Carolina Levitt, shared a video of the presidential candidate on social media platform X, captioning it “DJ Trump.”

Another Trump representative, Stephen Chung, remarked that something “very special” was happening in Pennsylvania, adding that Trump “is unlike any politician in history, and that’s wonderful.”