Residents in Russian Telegram channels reported that the Russian air defense allegedly shot down unidentified drones near local oil depots (refineries), according to
This information is being shared by Russian Telegram channels.
The SHOT Telegram channel informs that, according to local residents, explosions began around 03:15 local time.
At the same time, locals reported bright flashes in the sky and claimed that the air defense system was allegedly destroying drones as they approached the local refinery in the Krasnoarmeysky district.
Sounds of explosions were heard in the Kirovsky district of the city and in the settlement of Krasnoslobodsk.
As reported by Politeka, a video was published on social media that clearly captures one of the powerful explosions in Volgograd.
SHOT later added that over 15 explosions echoed over the city, which continued for 45 minutes.
Additionally, on the morning of January 15, drones attacked the Kaluga region of Russia, resulting in a fire at an industrial facility in the Dzerzhinsk area.
According to eyewitnesses, as reported by SHOT, around six in the morning, approximately 4-5 explosions and gunfire could be heard in the region.
It is known that due to the attack, an industrial facility caught fire, but the exact location where this occurred has not been disclosed in Russia.