Thursday13 February 2025

A man in Kyiv sprayed deodorant and set it on fire, leading to a blaze in his 71-year-old neighbor's apartment. Police have apprehended him.

The man now faces up to 10 years in prison.
Разбрызгав дезодорант и поджег: полиция задержала киевлянина, устроившего пожар в квартире 71-летней соседки.

The man now faces up to 10 years in prison

Police have apprehended a resident of the Sviatoshyn district who set fire to the door of his 71-year-old neighbor due to personal animosity.

According to a report from the Kyiv police communication department.

The victim awoke at night to the sound of crackling and the smell of smoke, discovering that the entrance door to her apartment was ablaze. Fortunately, neighbors assisted the elderly woman in quickly extinguishing the fire.

“During the investigation, law enforcement identified that a 38-year-old local resident, who lives on the same staircase as the complainant, was involved in the crime. Due to frequent conflicts arising from domestic issues, the man decided to take revenge on the victim by spraying deodorant on her door and igniting it,” police reported.

After the arsonist's arrest, he was informed of the suspicion under part 2 of Article 194 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – intentional destruction or damage to someone else's property by arson. The penalty for this article provides for imprisonment for a term of three to ten years.

At the request of the investigators, the court has placed the defendant in custody.