Together with accomplices, they embezzled 2.2 million hryvnias intended for the renovation of the lyceum and school shelters
Among the implicated are the deputy director and the head of a department of the Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA), the deputy director of a specialized educational institution, as well as the head of a construction company and his subordinates. They have been notified of suspicions, charged with embezzling budget funds in particularly large amounts, reports the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine.

Details of the case: in 2023, the management of a children's sports boarding lyceum, using simplified procurement procedures, entered into a direct contract with a controlled construction company tasked with renovating the facility. Furthermore, this company also performed major repairs on shelters in two other capital schools.

To carry out the scheme involving budget funds, they purchased necessary materials and equipment at inflated prices through a private entrepreneur — one of the employees of the contracting firm. Subsequently, they entered false data into the reporting documentation regarding the cost of the construction materials used, the volume of work, and their quality. As a result, the contractor unjustly received over 2.2 million hryvnias from the budget, as confirmed by expert evaluations.

One of the group members converted the illegally obtained funds into cash and handed them over to the organizer of the scheme — a KCSA official — for distribution among all participants of the criminal group.

On January 22, law enforcement conducted eight searches at the residences of the suspects and other involved individuals. They seized computer equipment, mobile phones, documentation, and "draft" records.

Six members of the organized group — officials from one of the departments of the Kyiv City State Administration, the deputy director of the sports boarding school, as well as a businesswoman and representatives of the contracting construction company — have been notified of suspicion by investigators.