Wednesday05 February 2025

Customs officials confiscated a rare helmet.

During the inspection of a postal shipment destined for abroad, a rather cinematic-looking metal headgear was discovered.
Таможенники изъяли редкий шлем.

During the inspection of a postal shipment abroad, a somewhat cinematic-looking metal helmet was discovered

This was a firefighter's helmet from the 1930s, which holds cultural and historical significance. It was sent from Kyiv and was intended for delivery in Scotland, as reported by Kyiv Customs.

Experts from the National Museum of the History of Ukraine established that the metal helmet belonged to the model from 1923. It was manufactured in the USSR at the factory for firefighting equipment under the State Trust of Petrograd's mass production factories "Tremass." This particular model was produced between 1936 and 1941. Firefighters in the USSR extensively used it until the early 1960s, although the production of these helmets ceased at the beginning of World War II.

The helmet is also notable for not having been restored and retaining its original inner lining, which adds to its value. It belongs to the rare preserved examples of uniforms worn by employees and workers of firefighting organizations in the USSR. It is of high interest among collectors and has significant cultural and historical value.

According to current Ukrainian legislation, permits are required for the export of cultural valuables abroad. Such documents were not provided to customs officials.

Concerning the sender, Kyiv Customs has drawn up a protocol for a violation of customs regulations. The firefighter's helmet has been confiscated.
